Türkiye'de BMX'in Sesi! | Voice of BMX in Turkey!

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 NOVEMBER 2016

By: Ediz Tenşi

Dear BMX Enthusiasts,

My second interview is with Turkey's youngest and most promising rider, İsmail Emre Dalgıç. I know Ismail for around 1 year now. He had drawn my attention while I was following Turkish riders. His style, riding technique, self confidence and skills had amazed me.  

One night I was accompanying my mother after her operation in the hospital. While I was killing time watching edits on Facebook I came acroos İsmail's video and I said to myself "I have to call this kid". I texted hin on Facebook, he instantly gave me his number and a 20-25 minutes conversation was our first contact. Every now and then we chat since then. A few weeks later our first conversation, BMX TR works were hectic and we were planning our Turkish BMX day.

İsmail also heard about our event and he was dying to come. He was excited because that was a lifetime chance to meet many riders from Turkey, not only new schoolers also old schoolers. And the day came. İsmail came to our event with his family. At last we had met in person. He became the star of the day and he got the 3rd place in the Big Air contest! Yes, here starts our interview with İsmail...

BMX TR : Hello İsmail, would you please introduce yourself to readers of BMXTR? How old are you? Where do you live?

İ.E.D. :I am 13, riding BMX for 2.5 years now. I live in İzmir Karşıyaka. I am dealing with anything having to wheels.          

BMX TR : Ok İsmail how did you get to start riding BMX?

İ.E.D. :Long time ago I had a small bike and after this bike was stolen I saw some people riding BMX. It drew my attention. My grandfather had felt this  and one day when we were in our summer house he gave me some money for a bicycle that I would like to buy. Next day I bought my bicycle. So that's how my BMX adventure started. On 11th March my grandfather passed. He was my closest friend. I really wished he saw my success on Turkish BMX day and 28-29 May Extremefest events. I believe I will be more successful and will try hard to make my dreams come true.


BMX TR : What was the brand of the bike? Are you still riding it?

İ.E.D. : It was a Wethepeople. Now it is under my bed because I broke the frame. It will never be repaired and sold, will just stay as it is and soon I will hang it on my room's wall. I had great time with it and I learned the basics of BMX on it. It is also precious for me because it is a memory from my grandfather.

BMX TR : How is life with BMX and school? Are you able to manage the time you spare for them?

İ.E.D. : I am trying hard to manage my time good eough to sustain both. BMX is not affecting my life in a negative way, just the contrary it is regulating my life style and I feel under more discipline. 

BMX TR: İsmail, you are mostly riding street but you are also good at big ramp. You also got the 3rd place on 8th May in Big Air contest. What is your target? In which discipline do you like to be more successful and improve yourself?

İ.E.D. : Actually it is difficult to tell. I am enjoying both equally and I am doing my best to improve myself in both two disciplines.


BMX TR : In general street one of the most popular disciplines in the world and in our country. Flatland is rising as of last winter. My opinion is that you will be most successful in Big Ramp. Why don't you think about Big Ramp?

İ.E.D. : Not that I am not thinking about it, I am practicing on it too but street riding is essential to improve a BMX'er in my opinion. However I have some weak points to improve, like strength. That's why I am concentrating a bit on ramp. 

BMX TR : Your BMX is slightly bigger than your size. Are you having fiddiculties with this? Why don't you prefer a smaller wheel size?

İ.E.D. : Of course I am having troubles with the big wheel size. It would be way better with a smaller wheel diameter. For this I am saving my money to buy a new, smaller bike. But in any case I have to get it imported from another country because it is not available in Turkey.

BMX TR : Then in front of all our followers on behalf of BMX TR I promise to give you an 18" BMX as a present!

İ.E.D. : Thank you so much! It will be a great support on my BMX journey! I don't know how to express my feelings and cannot thank enough. Best way to thank you would be to improve myself on riding.

BMX TR : İsmail, who are your favorite riders that you follow? Are you taking any of them as role model?

İ.E.D. : First off, Arif Gül is my idol in Turkey. İbrahim Şimşek, Mustafa Kıran are also the riders that I like and take as examples. Mark Webb, Harry Main , Kriss Kyle are my favorite foreign riders and I love their riding styles. 

BMX TR : We are well aware of the support of your family in the sport. We are in contact with your mother Mrs. Dalgıç from time to time and we are trying to support you. As far as we see your family is really working hard to make you a good rider.

İ.E.D. : Yes I cannot thank them enough for their support. I am lucky in this sense, they have always supported me no matter what the conditions are. They tried to take me to every single event and contest regardless of distance. They even took me to Istanbul on 8th May Turkish BMX day. The Turkish BMX day was very exciting for me because I had the chance to se all the riders from all over Turkey altogether. Being the youngest guy of the event was also very nice I think it made me a little popular!

BMX TR : From your outfit and style I see that you are following the fashion. Combination of BMX and your outfit is giving nice pictures. Are you choosing your own style?

İ.E.D. : Yes I have a style of my own. I like comfortable clothing. When I wear something I don't like it affects my riding in a negative way.

BMX TR : Have you got new tricks İsmail? I know that you are working hard for new tricks for the next summer. What are your targets, are there any new tricks that you want to add to your list?


İ.E.D. : I am working really hard to complete Tailwhip, double barspin, backflip, 720,  360-tailwhip.

BMX TR : İsmail, I realize that there are a lot of ramp riders especially from İzmir. Why is that?

İ.E.D. : The first thing that comes to mind when you say BMX is ramp in İzmir. I suppose every rider in İzmir likes to ride on ramp.

BMX TR : What are your dreams about BMX in the future? Where do you see yourself after 20 years?

İ.E.D.: First I would like to be a rider that's an example for the young riders and I would like to be known globally. My first dream is to join the Woodward camp and compete in global contests. After 20-30 years I would like to be like you supporting BMX in Turkey and young riders.

BMX TR : The number of people riding BMX is increasing in Turkey day by day. Have you got any advice for the beginners?

İ.E.D. : BMX is a sport that reqires attention and precaution. They have to put their guards and helmets on. Nutrition is also important to be healthy. Riding together with your friends is important, a little bit of competition is great for your improvement.

BMX TR : Would you like to say something about BMX TR? 

İ.E.D. : I would like to thank BMX TR for everything they have done for the sport in a short time. I see you as a family rather than an association or a corporate structure. You have great influence on BMX in Turkey. In my opinion you are the voice of Turkish riders in the world.

BMX TR : Dear İsmail we are very delighted to have known you and to have introduced you to the BMX world. We hope number of young riders like you increase in our country and represent our country in this sport globally. Thank you!

İ.E.D. : Thank you for giving me this opportunity and for your support. Love you BMX TR!